Friday, March 30, 2007

WOW! Watch out for this seller!

Here's a fine seletion of more eBay rubbish, today brought to you by seller "the prized".

At right are some less-than-competent forgeries of Leonard Bernstein, Buzz Aldrin and Richard Nixon currently being offered. For entertainment value, take a quick look at some of the other gems being ofered by "theprized".

His trade mark is "WOW!" Every description begins with "WOW!", a tired, old eBay ploy to attract attention to an item.

Following his lead, let me add my own "wows"...

WOW! What a pile of worthles trash!

WOW! Thank goodness he's wasting his time selling these dogs with zero value (for now!)

WOW! Hopeully, he'll soon be ruined: the books he sells, even after the awful signatures are added, are sometimes worth more than what they fetch at auction.

WOW! Won't he be surprised when postal inspectors show up at his door!

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